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Engage Muslims with Christ weekend seminar

New Beginnings Community Church 302 W Williams St, Loogootee, IN, United States

More than a quarter of the world’s population are Muslims who need to hear the gospel. Learn to engage in meaningful dialogue and gospel conversations with your Muslim neighbors, colleagues, and friends. Transform your witness through sound biblical teaching, outreach strategies, and God’s heart for Muslim people with Georges Houssney of Horizons International. September 6th

Tent Revival- Be Awakened

New Beginnings Community Church 302 W Williams St, Loogootee, IN, United States

There will be a tent revival at the New Beginnings Community Church located at 302 W Williams St off of Highway 231 in Loogootee, IN. on Thursday June 15th through Saturday June 17th at 7 PM nightly and at 10:30 AM and 6 PM on Sunday the 18th. Guest Speakers are Pastor Ernie Cannell and