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This year during our annual Sharathon we want to enlist your help in sharing the light of the Glorious Gospel in the coming year. Here’s how:

First, by enabling us to Shine the Light over our 8 different radio stations and two internet streaming outlets as you join in the Sharathon as a broadcast partner in the coming year.  Literally thousands of people are hearing, both here at home and around the world via the internet.

Second, by sharing the vision of Christian Radio with someone else who also could benefit from hearing the non-stop music and ministry going out on a daily basis, encouraging them to get involved and join in the Sharathon this year.  If everyone who gave last year would find someone new who could give just $10 per month, we would more than meet our goal.

Third, polish your own “mirror” so that you can better reflect the power of God and His Word heard daily on Thy Word Network. Being a channel of blessing to others is the greatest goal we can have this side of heaven!

Three simple steps, and it begins by sending in your Faith Promise Card before Sharathon begins on September 9th.

CLICK or SCAN me to enter


Your early response will help set the stage for what we believe could be our greatest Sharathon ever, but only if you respond now! Also, would you consider encouraging someone you know to be part of this year’s event, especially if they’ve never given before…..we know there are many who listen but never give, and if we are to reach our goal of $400,000  this year we must have their help as well. Because of your faithful prayers and support we are looking to reach even more listeners in the coming year, as we  “Let your light shine before others” Matthew 5:16

We can’t do it without you.  Thank-you for caring and sharing.

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