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Legacy Giving

Unexpected Income?

Someone once said "Do your givin' while you're livin' so you're knowin' where it's goin'...." Take that inheritance, that refund or that unexpected gift and make a gift today.....that will continue to make a difference in changed lives for years to come!

Stocks/IRA/Personal Property

Did you know that by giving these directly you can benefit from accrued value without paying capital gains taxes?

Poster with the title Out Live Your Life

Legacy Giving...giving beyond your life...

Did you know that by planning ahead, you can effectively outlive your life?  Author Max Lucado has written this challenging guide to legacy giving, and we would be glad to send one to you if it would help you think through this challenging goal.

We also can provide names of several Certified Financial Planners that can guide you through the process, whether you give to Thy Word Network or not. Call us at 800-264-5550 for more information.

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