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Church Partnership

The black colored icon of two hands joined together


Your church can commit to pray for Thy Word Network on a regular basis.  As God's people pray, we are protected from the evil One, sheltered from his attacks, and enabled to keep our stations on the air.  Adding us to church prayer lists is the single most beneficial thing you can do.

Financial Support

Thy Word Network is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit ministry, almost entirely supported by gifts from listeners.  We are unable to operate without the generous gifts of listeners AND a number of churches.  Some have added us to their missions budget and others give special offerings from time to time; it all helps to keep us broadcasting God's Word.

Event Calendar

We keep a detailed public calendar on our website, with additional exposure through on-air announcements, phone interviews and studio conversations......all without charge and available to churches and ministries throughout our three-state listening area.

A Shared Vision


Even when we are fundraising, we are careful to remind listeners of their biblical obligation to support their church first, be actively involved there for fellowship, growth, ministry and accountability.  However, your church can join with others who help support Thy Word Network with both monthly support and one-time gifts.  It is our desire to partner with others who share our vision to impact this sin-darkened world with the light of the Glorious Gospel, and we invite you to co-labor with us!

A Cord of Three Strands...

We believe that as we work together with God, we are strengthened and better equipped to accomplish the ministry He has called us to do.  We can minister to lonely people in the middle of the night, to men and women commuting to work, and in countless other ways...not replacing the local church, but supporting and strengthening it.  By working together, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Three colored ropes tied into a knot

Next Steps...

Contact us today for more information, to set up a meeting or a Thy Word Network day at your church.  We'd love to share how we can benefit your church as you partner with us!

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