Grapevine Baptist CHurch
Gospel Music Extravaganza
Grapevine Baptist CHurch 85 Sandcut Road, Madisonville, KYGrapevine Baptist Church ;located at 85 Sandcut Road in Madisonville, KY will be having a Gospel Music Extravaganza on Friday Oct 25th at 6:00 PM and Saturday Oct 26 at 2:00 PM. Greater Vision, Tribute Quartet and The Childress Family will be performing. Admission is free but a free will offering will be taken.
Gospel Music Extravaganza
Grapevine Baptist CHurch 85 Sandcut Road, Madisonville, KYGospel Music Extravaganza
Grapevine Baptist CHurch 85 Sandcut Road, Madisonville, KYGrapevine Baptist Church located at 85 Sandcut Road in Madisonville, KY will be holding a gospel sing event on Friday Oct 14th at 6:30 PM and Saturday Oct 15th at 2:00 PM. Groups performing will be Endless Highway, Triumphant Quartet, Lambsong, and The Childress Family. Admission is free and an offering will be received. For …
Gospel Music Extravaganza, Childress Family 50th anniversary
Grapevine Baptist CHurch 85 Sandcut Road, Madisonville, KYA Gospel Music Extravaganza will be held at the Grapevine Baptist Church located at 85 Sandcut Road in Madisonville, KY on Friday Sept 10th at 6:30 PM and Sat Sept 11 at 2:00 PM. This is a free event but an offering will be taken. This is to celebrate the Childress Family 50th anniversary. Karen …