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Fighting for the Family in the Church in America

Ridgewood Baptist Church 800 Carter Rd, Owensboro, KY

There will be a Fighting for the Family in the church and America Revival on Monday May 22nd at 6:30 PM at the Ridgewood Baptist Church located at 800 Carter Road in Owensboro, KY.

Grief Support Group

First Christian Church - Mt Carmel 803 N Market St, Mt Carmel, IL

The Southeastern Illinois Center for Pastoral Counseling is sponsoring a free Grief Support Group meeting to be held at the First Christian Church, 803 N Market Street in Mt. Carmel, IL on Tuesday, May 23rd from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for anyone who has experienced a loss (death of a loved one, divorce, long-term

Holy Rosary Summer Social

Holy Rosary Catholic Church 1301 S Green River Road, Evansville, IN

Summer Social, Holy Rosary located at  1301 S. Green River Road, Evansville, IN 47711– June 1, 2, 3, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Holy Rosary, Evansville, grounds open Thurs. 5-9 p.m., Fri. and Sat. 5-10 p.m.; serving cafeteria style pork chop or fried chicken dinners with made from scratch chicken and dumplings, green beans, mashed potatoes

Trotter House of Gibson County Open House

Trotter House of Gibson County 112 N West St, Princeton, IN, United States

The Trotter House of Gibson County located at 112 N West Street in Princeton is holding an open house on Thursday June the 8th from 10AM until 8 PM. Everyone is invited to tour the facility and learn about how your contributions will benefit the families of Gibson County. For more information please email at

Grief Support Group

First United Methodist Church - Carmi 100 S Church St, Carmi, IL

The monthly Grief Support Group Meeting: presented by the SE Illinois Pastoral Counseling Center will be held on Thursday, June8th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 100 S Church Street in Carmi, IL. For more information their phone number is 618-382-5548 or visit www.freewebs.com/sicpc2006.

Gordon Mote concert

The United Methodist Church will host a concert with Gordon Mote and Austin Glover at the Owensville Library Park in Owensville, IN on Friday June the 9th from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. . A free will offering will be taken. In case of rain it will be moved to the Methodist church in Owensville.

St. Matthews Church Yard Sale

St. Matthews Church of Evansville 3007 N First Ave, Evansville, IN, United States

St. Matthews church located at 3007 N First Ave. in Evansville, IN  will be holding a yard sale on Saturday June 10th from 7 AM to 1 PM.  All proceeds go to the church and the church's food pantry. For details call 812-422-8023

Anxiety Support Meeting

First Christian Church - Mt Carmel 803 N Market St, Mt Carmel, IL

A free Overcoming Anxiety Support Group meeting will be held at the First Christian Church, 8th & Market Streets in Mt. Carmel, IL on Tuesday, June 13th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for anyone who has experienced anxiety, worry, fear, dread or panic.  For more information, their phone number is 618-262-5921 or go to

Tent Revival- Be Awakened

New Beginnings Community Church 302 W Williams St, Loogootee, IN, United States

There will be a tent revival at the New Beginnings Community Church located at 302 W Williams St off of Highway 231 in Loogootee, IN. on Thursday June 15th through Saturday June 17th at 7 PM nightly and at 10:30 AM and 6 PM on Sunday the 18th. Guest Speakers are Pastor Ernie Cannell and

Keepers of the Kingdom Bible School

Mill Road Church 80 W Mill Road, Evansville, IN, United States

Every day, they’re bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and where their salvation comes from. Thankfully, God has given his children armor to wear in this battle between truth and lies, light and darkness, good and evil. With Keepers of the Kingdom, your kids will learn how they can be

Father’s Day Banquet

Haubstadt Community Center 249 E 1100 S, Haubstadt, IN, United States

Place of Grace CWM will host a Father's Day Banquet and Dance on June 24th beginning at 5 PM at the Haubstadt Community Center located at 249 E 1100 S Haubstadt, IN. There will be a dance, silent auction , photo shoot, give aways and dessert auction. Tickets are $10 each, children 13 and under

First Baptist VBS

First Baptist Church Jasper 3556 N. Portersville Road, Jasper, IN, United States

The First Baptist Church located at 3556 N Portersville Road in Jasper IN will host a VBS from Monday June 26th through Friday June 30th nightly from 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM for ages 4, if potty trained, through 12th grade. For more information please on pre registration go to https://fbjasper.org/ or call 812-827-6789 .

Grief Support Group

First Christian Church - Mt Carmel 803 N Market St, Mt Carmel, IL

The Southeastern Illinois Center for Pastoral Counseling is sponsoring a free Grief Support Group meeting to be held at the First Christian Church, 803 N Market Street in Mt. Carmel, IL on Tuesday, June 27th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for anyone who has experienced a loss (death of a loved one, divorce, long-term

Gospel Parenting Seminar

Join us for a parenting seminar featuring speaker and author Israel Wayne at 2 pm eastern in Vincennes on July 2nd. Studies show that 70% of churched youth abandon the Christian faith sometime before High school graduation. While there are no guarantees in parenting, there are steps that parents can take that have been proven

Jackson Heights, Country Road Ramblers

Odon Christian Church 658 West Elnora St, Odon, IN, United States

Odon Christian Church located at 658 West Elnora St in Odon will host the Country Road Rambelrs and Jackson Heights on Saturday July 8th starting at 7 PM. A free will offeriong will be taken.

Anxiety Support Group

First Christian Church - Mt Carmel 803 N Market St, Mt Carmel, IL

A free Overcoming Anxiety Support Group meeting will be held at the First Christian Church, 8th & Market Streets in Mt. Carmel, IL on Tuesday, July 11th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for anyone who has experienced anxiety, worry, fear, dread or panic.  For more information, their phone number is 618-262-5921 or  go to

Grief Support

First United Methodist Church - Carmi 100 S Church St, Carmi, IL

The monthly Grief Support Group Meeting: presented by the SE Illinois Pastoral Counseling Center will be held on Thursday, July 13th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 100 S Church Street in Carmi, IL.  For more information their phone number is 618-382-5548 or go by the Events Page at

Andrew Goldman and Phillip Kolb in concert

Dayspring Church 3001 HIghway 60 East, Henderson, KY, United States

Andrew Goldman and Phillip Kolb will be in concert at the Dayspring Church located at 3001 Highway 60 East i Henderson, KY on Friday July 21st at 7 PM.

Grief Support Group

First Christian Church - Mt Carmel 803 N Market St, Mt Carmel, IL

The Southeastern Illinois Center for Pastoral Counseling is sponsoring a free Grief Support Group meeting to be held at the First Christian Church, 803 N Market Street in Mt. Carmel, IL on Tuesday, July 25th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for anyone who has experienced a loss (death of a loved one, divorce, long-term

Conquerors in COncert

Gateway Baptist Church 7564 State Route 66, Newburgh, IN